Key Partners and Sponsors
Thank you to our 2019 Sponsors and Partners!
Call for Sponsors
This event would not be possible without the support of local organizations that provide valuable services to the community. Would you consider sponsoring our next event in 2022?
By becoming one of our sponsors, your organization will be promoted in several ways and will receive exposure through various avenues, including an exhibitor table at the event. We’ve also listed out some other incentives and perks your organization can enjoy should you decide to become a sponsor.
Regardless of the amount you choose to give, your organization name will be included in our event program. View the Sponsorship Levels to find the giving level that’s right for your organization.
Alternatively, we are also seeking donations of branded items for the conference “swag” bags, as well as volunteers to help staff the event.
We thank you in advance for your generosity. If you have additional questions, would like further information, or would like to offer your support, please contact Jennifer Haddad Bell, Program Consultant, at (661) 713 9979 or